PEP – Day 4 – Respiratory Monitoring

Synopsis of Subject: This subject will focus on the respiratory system and how it relates to sleep and potential sleep disorders. The student will be introduced to the basic anatomy and physiology of the upper airway, the sleep physiology relating to breathing mechanics, gas exchange, ventilatory control during REM/NREM sleep and blood oxygen/carbon dioxide saturations. The subject will also explore the different monitoring techniques for measuring respiratory effort and airflow as well as monitoring blood oxygen/carbon dioxide levels during a study. An introduction to the scoring of respiratory events for adults and pediatric patients as well as an overview of home sleep apnea testing will be discussed. The topic of the International 10-20 Lead Placement will continue to be reviewed and practiced.

Student Will Learn to Do: How to apply appropriate sensors for effort, airflow and blood oxygen/carbon dioxide monitoring and how to connect the sensor to the sleep equipment.  The student will also learn how to recognize respiratory events and how to score respiratory events according to the AASM Manual for Scoring.

Course Information

Respiratory Monitoring

Sleep Related Breathing Disorders

Patient Hookup – Respiratory Channels

Scoring Respiratory Events

Out of Center Sleep Testing (OCST)