PEP – Day 3 – Sleep and Cardiovascular Monitoring

Synopsis of Subject: This subject will continue to expand on the EEG principles and now also includes the electrode measuring/placement to collect the eye movements and chin movements that are needed to support the scoring of different sleep stages.  It will also focus on the cardiovascular system as it relates to sleep.  The student will explore the basic anatomy relating to heart, the generation of ECG tracing, the flow of blood through the body and blood pressure.  It will also introduce the student to electrode placement for collecting an ECG tracing as well as what normal sinus rhythm looks like and the common cardiac arrhythmias that may be seen during a sleep study.

Student Will Learn to Do: How to properly prepare the patient’s skin for EEG electrode placement on the scalp, near the eyes, on the chin/jaw and the chest. How to connect the wires to the sleep equipment and then how to start recognizing the earmark differences between sleep stages and the difference between a normal sinus rhythm and cardiac arrhythmia.

Course Information